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Dog Head Fire Now 61% Contained

Acres: 17,912                                                                                     Containment: 61%

Cause: Human - under investigation                                                  Start Date:  June 14, 2016

Jurisdiction:  Cibola National Forest, NM State Forestry, Southern Pueblo Agency/BIA, BLM    

Location:  6 miles NW of Tajique, NM

Vegetation:  Heavy fuels, dead and down timber, ponderosa pine stands

Damage Assessment: 24 single residences and 21 other minor structures

Total Personnel:  938

Today’s weather is expected to be sunny during most of the morning and partly cloudy in the afternoon. There is a chance of dry thunderstorms today and tomorrow, which has the potential for lightning and outflow winds which may increase fire activity.

The focus last night was on monitoring the east side of the fire. Fire activity was quiet overnight. Today firefighters will continue to hold, patrol and mop-up around the entire fire’s perimeter.  On the west side of the fire, westerly winds will be favorable to the fireline. Winds are predicted to be from the west southwest at 10-15 mph in the morning, then west 6-9 mph with gusts up to 15 mph in the afternoon. On the east side of the fire, west southwest winds 4-8 mph are expected, with southwest winds approximately 6-10 mph with gusts up to 17 mph in the afternoon.  On the north side of the fire, winds from the southwest may test the work completed along the firelines. On the south side of the fire, winds are predicted from the southwest, with no control problems anticipated.

Overnight humidity recovery will keep the fire behavior low through the morning and early afternoon hours.  Fire activity should pick-up around mid-afternoon. Firefighters expect to see single tree torching, dust devils, and low surface fire behavior.  Stump holes, smoldering large dead and down and creeping are expected.  As firefighters continue mop-up, the likelihood of spotting diminishes.

No additional public meetings are planned unless there is a significant change in fire conditions.

The strategy for this fire is full suppression. Incident objectives include providing for the safety of firefighters and the public, while protecting values at risk, and providing support for on-going utility recovery efforts, evacuations and planned re-entry into closed areas.

Please remember, if you fly, we can’t.  Drones near wildfires are not safe.  Visit http://www.nifc.gov/drones/for more information.

Fire Information (8am – 8pm):  855-585-5546855-585-5547855-581-3861855-581-3862


Evacuation/Road Info (8am – 8pm):  855-620-1747855-620-1746855-615-5195855-615-5196888-308-3120

https://www.facebook.com/DogHeadFireJIC/ and https://twitter.com/dogheadfireJIC





    http://facebook.com/dogheadfire/         http://inciweb.nwcg.gov         http://nmfireinfo.com