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NMDOT Launches “NM Bike Plan” Webite And Interactive Map For Public Comment

Commentary: Santa Fe, NM – Today, the New Mexico Department of Transportation announced the launch of a project website and interactive map for the Prioritized Statewide Bicycle Network Plan (NM Bike Plan). The website provides a platform for bicyclists and others to share their valuable input in the bicycle planning and route prioritization process.

Through an interactive map New Mexicans can identify currently used or potential bike routes and complete a questionnaire on user preferences. Input from bicycle users of state roads and highways for commuting, recreation, or touring is valuable in identifying the bike facility needs that fit their uses and locations around the state.

The plan considers how best to provide New Mexico residents and visitors with a safe and connected bicycle network on state maintained and owned roads and highways. Highlights of the plan will include:

·         A map of prioritized bicycle routes on State maintained and owned roads and highways

·         Design standards for bicycle facilities that are specific to the road type, road usage, and types of bicyclists using the route

·         Methods to include bicycle facilities into existing road maintenance schedules as funding and facility conditions allow

In addition, the plan will incorporate public comment, the results of an equity analysis, project funding considerations, and input from local and regional agencies in the development of the long-term plan.

In the coming months BHI and Alta Planning, consultants for the plan development, will host three public meetings across the state. For meeting dates and locations visit the project website. The public comment for this portion of the planning process is open through the end of December.