The City of Las Cruces officially joined the Climate Mayors Network, that parallels the spirit and goals of the Paris Climate Agreement without any financial expenditure.
At today’s City Council meeting, Councillors approved Resolution 17-206, that in part, re-affirms the City’s commitment to take action to reduce climate pollution in alignment with its Sustainability Action Plan. The vote was 6-1, with councilor Ceil Levatino the sole vote against the measure.
In a statement, the city said, "More than 300 U.S. mayors representing more than 62 million Americans are committed to working together to strengthen local actions by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting efforts for binding federal and global-level policy making."
According to Mayor Miyagishima, “Increasing renewable energy and energy efficiency can attract jobs and economic development opportunities for our community and increase our long-term economic competitiveness.”
In a statement, the city said, "Las Cruces has already made significant progress undertaking climate action by installing almost 1 MW of renewable energy, increasing energy efficiency and choosing cleaner fuels for its municipal fleet. Over the past five years, the City has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by more than 20 percent with a strong commitment to further efforts."