Bev Courtney is former president and a current member of the Las Cruces Tea Party. Courtney on a recent episode of “In Focus” shares why she got involved with the organization.
“There was so many people there, and there was high energy, I liked the things they said, I agreed with them,” says Courtney.
Courtney says she is a supporter of President Donald Trump. She says Trump was successful in his campaign, because his message resonated with people like her.
“He talked about lowering taxes, about building the wall…I’m not going to say that I am for the wall, but I am for equal justice under the law,” says Courtney.
Bev Courtney says when she heard Trump was running for President she thought that due to his wealth, he would not be able to be “bought.”
“We all know, if you follow the money it really will undermine the American values,” says Courtney.
President Donald Trump has selected billionaires and also millionaires to serve in his cabinet, and when asked if she thought Trump’s cabinet members could understand the challenges that are facing working families today she says that she can only hope so.
“All I can hope for is that their values are the right place,” says Courtney.
Education Secretary Betsey DeVos’ nomination was approved as the Secretary of Education after Vice-President Mike Pence voted to break a tie in the U.S. Senate to confirm DeVos. Courtney says that DeVos shares her values.
“I’m conservative, I’m family values,” says Courtney.
When asked about immigration enforcement Courtney says that she doesn’t have the answers, but she individually is concerned about people who may be in the country illegally and may have never been convicted of a crime.
“I would like to see them have a path to citizenship, because right now they are like slaves, if they are exploited by not paying a proper wage. ” says Courtney about individuals in that situation being underpaid. Also, Courtney questioned that parents who may be in the country illegally may not notify law enforcement if any crimes are committed against their children.
Courtney says the Tea Party wants Peace and Safety, Fair Taxes, and working families to be able to prosper, and give their kids the opportunities that that they have had.